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Rekonstrukcija Ženski fond je pored učešća na konferenciji Women’s Funding Network uspela da organizuje i prezentaciju  feminističko-aktivističko umetničke scene u Srbiji. Šaljemo vam poziv na engleskom, ali  kad se vratimo šaljemo utiske i na srpskom :-)).

La Mama ( je jedan od  najpoznatijih teatara u svetu.  Jako smo uzbuđene.

lamama article

Veliki pozdravi za sve!
Mirjana i Zoe
Rekonstrukcija Ženski fond


La Mama First Floor Theatre

Time:  April 12, 8 P.M.

Address: 74A East 4th Street (between 2nd Avenue and the Bowery)

Speakers: Mirjana Mirosavljević Bobić, Program Coordinator & Zoe Gudović, PR Manager, Reconstruction Women’s Fund, Belgrade, Serbia

We fly over the oceans and time zones to present you the work and energy that Reconstruction Women’s Fund offers. We want to tell you our ideas, thoughts, actions, reactions and aims.

You are invited to the meeting to see the story on human rights, freedom of movement, thinking, love and life. Is it enough to say that we are humans or we have to combat for it? How we fight for better social relations in Serbia and what are our problems?

On this occasion we collect donations for supporting women’s groups in Serbia to continue their struggle against all kinds of violence and discrimination! 

Bring your friends, colleagues, neighbours, since you will meet with RECONSTRUCTION! We would like to meet people who are engaged networkers, donors, those who change systems and relations in their communities, concerning human rights, women’s human rights, LGBTQ, minority and marginalized groups’ issues, feminist groups, intersection of arts and activism, feminist and lesbian arts and visibility. Our mission is to support emancipatory social and political role of women.

Reconstruction Women’s Fund is the first local women’s foundation in Serbia. Through her programs, she supports activities focused on full realization of women’s human rights, academic exchange, pacifist/antimilitaristic engagement, cooperation and solidarity.

 About La MaMa E.T.C.

Ellen Stewart founded La MaMa in 1961 in a tiny basement on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. She dedicated it to the playwright and all aspects of the theater. Today, La MaMa is a world renowned cultural institution recognized as the seed bed of new work by artists of all nations and cultures.